April 28, 2020
Meals on Wheels opened the large room to the Food Bank and they have been here packing boxes of food for families. As of today 2400 boxes have been packed. Some of the distribution has been with the school districts and a large distribution (500 boxes) was at the Chemung County Fair Grounds on April 17th. Another will be held in Watkins Glen for Chemung and Schuyler County residents.
Each box contains 12-16 shelf-stable items, such as pasta, tomato sauce, rice, beans, chickpeas, peanut butter, jelly, snacks, tuna, chicken, shelf-stable milk, oatmeal. Boxes also include recipes, resources for other locations to get food, and SNAP/Food Stamps information.
Is it for a family of 4 for 3- 5 days? Yes, at least a 3-day supply for household of 4. More for smaller households, of course!
Boxes have been also going out to school districts to supply with meals for families; delivery to homebound/isolated households served by Community Wesleyan Church in Horseheads; and I think some via MOW/senior centers.
Packing done by County of Chemung employees and MOW workers. 600 boxes per week. An estimated 15,000 pounds. Directed by Bob Emmick.